Friday, December 16, 2011

Live traditional jazz in Sydney......with this the last Friday at Club Ashfield for Jazz Friday 30th... Geoff Power and Frank Watts are back at Club Ashfield leading the Bridge City Jazz Band....

Well 2011 closes for the Bridge City Jazz Band at Club Ashfield with this Friday 23rd December night...NOTE there is NO Jazz at Club Ashfield on Friday 30th...but we're back on Friday 6th January 2012....
So we're going out with a bang...who else to help us celebrate than Geoff Power leading the band on trumpet with some tasteful vocals...
You always need a good pianist and Frank Watts is one of the best...he's with us again..on ya Frank!
Evergreen Jim Morrell...such a jazz enthusiast and tasteful drummer...we welcome him back to the drum stool he held for years before his retirement from active playing....
The rest of the Bridge city Jazz band is with them to give a tight swinging traditional jazz band....
What a way to bring in Christmas for you with some great jazz...get to Club Ashfield..
Directions at the end of this post...
Left click on images to enlarge them....
Thanks to all of you for supporting us throughout the year...

Geoff Power leads on trumpet...
Jim Morrell's back on the drum stool...

Frank Watts on piano...
Colin Beal on reeds and Colin Davies on double bass...
Dennis Quinlan on banjo and John Bates on trombone and vocals....
Bridge City JB's guests for the coming few months at Club Ashfield...
Other gigs for the Bridge City Jazz Band for 2012...
Where to find Club Ashfield....
Club Ashfield...5 Charlotte Street, Ashfield, 20 metres on the northern side of Ashfield Railway Station...
7.30pm to 10.30pm, on the first floor bistro and function area...admission free...

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